Skinpen Microneedling How it Works and Demonstration – Biology of Aging

There are 20 sterile unnecessary that are delivered to the skin in a vertical manner. They reach the layers of your skin and stimulates collagen elastin. The skin produces new collagen and elasticin. This can decrease the appearance of acne scarring and hyperpigmentation as well as fine lines wrinkles and early signs of aging.

The most well-known type of facials with microneedling is a face-to-face. It is suggested to undergo three sessions. Patients can come in throughout the year or as often as they want. Those that receive the microneedling treatment at San Antonio trusts can expect the use of a numbing lotion that will take roughly 45 minutes to perform. Once the treatment begins with the technician, they will make both circular and up-and-down movements by using the skinpen. Once the entire face has completed, the technician can apply the skinpen to specific locations. This is different to those cosmetic fillers San Antonio residents are familiar using because it functions through the body’s collagen to minimize wrinkles. It is a great option to revitalize skin and boost confidence.


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